Saturday, February 10, 2007

The ignorant smoker

If there's one thing I hate as a non-smoker, it's when you sit down somewhere and it's not long before someone sits right beside you and lights a cigarette. So my options are that I can move elswhere or ask the person politely to not smoke around me, but when I do move, some other dipshit comes over and sits beside me to light a cigarette as well. I go somewhere else and there's people standing around with cigarettes smouldering everywhere. There is just no escape from it. I can't even wait for a bus without inhaling someone's smoke.

What's even worse is when people just throw their smouldering cigarettes on the ground and leave them there. The smoke is practically blowing right in my face until I get up and stomp the thing out.

Some smokers are inconsiderate and ignorant by saying "Oh you won't die from the smoke inhalation" or make up some pathetic excuse as a result of their denyal of knowing how much harm they are causeing to themselves and others around them who have to breathe their smoke in. I've met people who were in such denyal that they try to blame the lung cancer on other things like the seat belts in cars. That's how pathetic it really is. Some people even have a theory that lighting a cigarette makes the bus come faster while waiting at a bus stop.

Ok, so occasionally there's the few who will ask if I mind if they light a cigarette, or at least go somewhere else where the smoke doesn't bother others.

Most of the people from India don't smoke so it's more pleasant for me to sit beside them because I know that at least they are less likely to light a cigarette. Even if some of them do have a currey arroma, it smells more pleasant than some other people I've been around anyways (no offence intended to East Indians.)

Smokers need to realize how unpleasant it really is for us non-smokers to inhale their smoke. I chose not to smoke but yet I am smudged by it everywhere I go.